Recette: Appétissant Purple smoothie bowl!

Purple smoothie bowl!. Keyword: paleo smoothie bowl, purple sweet potato smoothie bowl, vegan smoothie bowl. In this video, I show you how to make a pretty purple smoothie bowl using only natural ingredients. All Reviews for Purple Power Smoothie Bowl.

Purple smoothie bowl! Decadently healthy with nut butter, cacao nibs, fresh fruit and superfoods. The very best thing about smoothie bowls is the variety. Once you get started, you can come up with a smoothie bowl for just about any combination of flavors. Vous pouvez avoir Purple smoothie bowl! using 6 ingrédients et 3 pas. Voici comment cuisiner ça.

Ingrédients de Purple smoothie bowl!

  1. Vous avez besoin 1 de petite banane (coupée en tranches et congelée).
  2. Vous avez besoin 30 g de épinards surgelés.
  3. C'est 50 g de fruits rouges.
  4. Préparez 100 ml de lait (ou boisson végétale au choix).
  5. Préparez 30 g de flocons Avoine.
  6. Préparez de Topping au choix (ici, fruits rouges, mélange de graines et amande effilées).

And of course, I want to try ALL of them. We know how gorgeous smoothie bowls look, that can't be denied. But how to make a smoothie bowl look and Smoothie bowls just can't be ignored… They leap out from the screen and say, look at. Apple crumble smoothie Strawberry smoothies breakfast bowl with coconut flakes, mango, Acai bowl smoothie pitaya hearts blueberry. #vegan #vegetarian #food #apple pie smoothie #smoothie bowl #breakfast #lunch #vegan food #healthy I absolutely love this tropical smoothie bowl, that's both delicious and beautiful to look at.

Purple smoothie bowl! instructions

  1. La veille mettre les flocons d'avoine dans le lait et laisser gonfler au frigo durant la nuit.
  2. Au réveille mettre le mélange lait/avoine dans un blender ajouter les épinards et la banane congelée ainsi que les fruits rouges, mixer le tout! Ajouter un peu d'eau si vous souhaitez une texture un peu plus liquide.
  3. Mettre dans un bol et ajouter les topping. Bon ptit dèj!.

This is a great smoothie for breakfast - and sometimes dinner! You can substitute the orange juice with any mix of juices or even Purple Monstrosity Fruit Smoothie. This smoothie bowl here is an awesome one to pack in some tougher veggies like cauliflower and carrots. This new Cauliflower Smoothie Bowl recipe captures all of that… and more. So, I have to admit.when I first heard of smoothie bowls, I was a big skeptic.


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